Bib Necklace Tutorial

It’s tutorial time! I have seen these bib necklaces all over the internet, and I wanted to try and make one myself.. I think it turned out great and all for about $6! I had so much fun playing around with this necklace. I’m going to make several more in different bright neon colors for the summer.

Here’s what you will need:

Note: I got all of these supplies at Michaels. You only need about 1/4 of a yard of fabric, one sheet of felt, and the chain can be as long or short as you would like.

Cut out three felt circles of the same size. Mine are about two inches. Once you have cut out your felt circles, use it as a template to now cut your fabric circles. You will need many, many fabric circles. . so just keep cuttin’ 🙂 Your fabric circles need to be the same size as your felt circles. The felt is your base of your flower and the fabric will become your petals.

Next take one fabric circle and fold it into fourths as shown above, and at a different angle below.

Take your fabric petal and hot glue it to the middle of the felt circle. Continue to do this until you have filled your base and you can no longer see any felt. When you have attached enough petals it will look like the flower below. . .


Once you have made all three flowers, you will need to lay the flowers out as you would like to see them in necklace form on another sheet of felt. Hot glue them down to the felt and cut away the remaining felt. This is the back of the necklace to show you how it will look and lay against you when worn. Before you glue the flowers to extra piece of felt, attach the necklace chain to the back of the two outer flowers. use hot glue to secure the necklace chain. Then attach the felt that you have cut out.

Note: There is felt attached to the back of each of the three flowers and another connected piece of felt so the necklace stays together.

Yay! and here is your stylish, steal of a deal tutorial! Enjoy!

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